Former Police Officer. Warrior. Survivor. Daughter. Friend.
You can use any of those descriptors for me and they'd apply.
But I prefer "Passionate with Purpose".
Hello! I'm Kimberly, The CEO and Founder of "Move with Purpose Defense and Firearms Training" I'm so glad you are here, because that means you are being purposeful about something I am wholly passionate about - Your Safety!
It is my passion, and a deeply given purpose to help you overcome the difficulties you have when it comes to protecting yourself and your loved ones.
After years of training and serving alongside the most elite, I began to see the gap in training available to those who need it most. I made it my personal mission to begin a defense business that would teach and train the most practical, daily used and needed options in defense.
As the years have gone by, I have been able to serve thousands and work with some of the best! In my training I make one promise : You will leave understanding more, recognizing a different perspective and realizing where your weaknesses may exist.
My goal is to make you confident in your already existent natural defense actions and help you realize how best to pull them out when needed! My Passion is your safety, and defense. My Purpose is to make my passion your purpose too!